Analysis of Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Mineral Water Le-Minerale in Tangerang City

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    Widjaja Djohan( 1 )

    (1) Universitas Atmjaya | Indonesia


This study aims to determine to what extent price, brand image, and product quality affect the increase in purchasing decisions for Le-Minerale mineral water. The research conducted is by distributing questionnaires, while the research method used is by using descriptive methods. In conducting this research the authors used correlation coefficient analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and F test and t test. From the results of the analysis the authors obtained the following results. From multiple linear analysis, the equation Y = 5.163 + 0.626X1 + 0.279X2 + 0.207X3 is obtained. From the results of the F model test, the value is 941,516 where the value is greater than the F table, namely 2.45, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. In the t test, it is known that the t count for Price (X1) is 12,120, the results for Brand Image (X2) are 6,634, and for product quality (X3) is 4,014


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How to Cite
Djohan, W. (2021). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Mineral Water Le-Minerale in Tangerang City. Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis, 19(2), 102–111.

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