Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel <p><strong><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1567585804">pISSN. 2541-1268<br /></a><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1567585947">eISSN. 2721-7779<br /></a>Jurnal Akselerator adalah jurnal multi disiplin yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Sains &amp; Teknologi - Universitas Buddhi Dharma. Akselerator dikembangkan untuk menampung publikasi karya ilmiah Dosen dan Mahasiswa, baik hasil ilmiah maupun penelitian dalam bentuk hasil penelitian perpustakaan dalam bidang ilmu multi disiplin. Ada harapan bahwa jurnal ini akan menambah pengetahuan dan pertukaran informasi ilmiah, terutama karya ilmiah dan penelitian yang akan berguna sebagai referensi untuk penelitian selanjutnya di bidang teknik dan sains.</strong></p> <p><strong>Untuk penulisan artikel dapat menggunakan template berikut:</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PZ4daqOBp-YIv4Hx0sOARJ5VnUudsi4D/view?usp=sharing">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PZ4daqOBp-YIv4Hx0sOARJ5VnUudsi4D/view?usp=sharing</a></strong></p> Fakultas Sains & Teknologi en-US Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2541-1268 INTEGRATION OF DMAIC AND KAIZEN FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF PARFUME PRODUCTS AT PT. FOLLOWME INDONESIA https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2320 <p><em>The development of the industry is increasing rapidly so companies are always required to produce high-quality products according to their functions. This is what encourages manufacturers in the field of cosmetics to pay attention to the quality of their products. One way to control quality in a company is by using the Six Sigma method. Six Sigma is an overall quality improvement method that focuses on define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) stepas. In this research it was conducted in August – September 2022 by conducting a survey of the parfume production process at PT. Followme Indonesia. Based on the results of the study, there were 2 CTQ (Critiqal to Quality), namely damaged liquid and damaged packaging. After being analyzed using the CTQ pareto diagram, damaged packaging is the main damage to be repaired. The most dominant causes of parfume defects are the human factor. Among them are not following work procedures, laks of training for employees, and storage of raw materials and work tools that are not stored neatly, causing defects in packaging raw materials. The solutions given for the problems that occur are quality improvement using the Kaizen Five M-Checklist and the Kaizen Five Step Plan.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Quality Control, Six Sigma DMAIC, Kaizen</em>.</p> Andara Berliana Abidin Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 1 8 APPLICATION OF THE NAÏVE BAYES ALGORITHM IN THE PREDICTION SYSTEM FOR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEE ACCEPTANCE AT PT. JAYA BERSAMA SAPUTRA PERKASA https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2340 <p>In this modern era, technology and information technology have become an inseparable part of everyday life. The rapid development of technology has led many people to rely on it in their various activities. The aim of this research is to develop a prediction system that can help companies in the selection process of prospective employees more efficiently and accurately. This research uses historical data on prospective employee recruitment as a dataset to train the Naïve Bayes model. This system requires input from prospective workers such as age, experience, IQ, education, and status which will later be processed and calculated using the NAIVE BAYES method and will produce a decision as to whether or not the worker himself is suitable. With this system, it makes it easier to solve problems in determining the prospective workers expected by the company and can clarify the suitability of prospective workers and can be held accountable by the company.</p> Arya Dhama Sethio Desiyanna Lasut Andi Leo Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 9 17 Application Of Data Mining Using Apriori Algorithm To Know Customer Purchase Patterns (Case Study: Timbul Jaya Motor) https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2634 <p><em>Timbul Jaya Motor is a trading business that sells four-wheeled vehicle spare parts. Timbul Jaya Motor has problems such as accumulation of transaction data which is only used as an archive. Increasingly tight competition in the sale of four-wheeled vehicle spare parts makes it difficult for Timbul Jaya Motor owners to find a strategy that can increase sales and marketing of four-wheeled vehicle spare parts sold, one of which is by utilizing four-wheeled vehicle spare parts sales data. This research uses data mining with an a priori algorithm, so that later the results can be used to develop increased sales and marketing of four-wheeled vehicle spare parts products and to understand purchasing patterns for four-wheeled vehicle spare parts products. Apriori is one of the most famous algorithms in data mining for finding data patterns or data occurrence/frequency patterns. The usual Apriori algorithm is used to find customer purchasing patterns at a minimarket based on purchase transactions. The result of this research is that if you buy a "Lower Solar Filter" you will buy an "Upper Solar Filter" with a support value of 26% and a confidence value of 81.25%. If you buy "Front Brake Pads" you will buy "Rear Brake Pads" with a support value of 24% and a Confidence value of 80%. If you buy "Valve adjustment bolt" you will buy "Valve adjustment nut" with a support value of 26% and a confidence value of 72.22%. If you buy "Wiper" you will buy "Wiper Arm" with a support value of 30% and a Confidence value of 71.43%. And Timbul Jaya Motor can set future sales strategies with 4 rules obtained from transaction data which is processed using an a priori algorithm.</em></p> Jonathan Hartana Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 18 32 Perancangan Chatbot dengan Metode Natural Language Processing (NLP) dalam Proses Booking Order di Carwash https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2353 <p><em>Technology is a development of life that exists in every aspect of life, initially humans did everything manually and then with technology, something that is manual can be done by technology, one exampleis communication, previously communicating between humans was very difficult if not face to face. directly, but with technology it can be done anywhere and anytime, one example of existing technologyis an application for communicating with many people, namely Telegram, telegram is a social media application for communicating remotely from sharing videos, sharing messages, and photos , besides telegram there are still many well-known similar applications such as WhatsApp, Line, Facebook etc. which can be used in many aspects such as business, personal, community etc. For example, in the CAR WASH business, Carwash is one of the many vehicle washing businesses in the Jakarta area. and its surroundings where this business can carry out more than 50 transactions in one day, and more and more problems arise in this business, such as queuing for vehicles to wash, and changing prices, with this problem it will definitely disrupt the carwash business such as convenience visitors, reduced income etc., therefore by combining technology with this problem an idea emerged to create a Chat Botto assist customers and owners in monitoring the condition of customers and orders every day so that customers always know whether the carwash is busy or not, and the price on the day how much is that,because it will be equipped with an online registration feature so that customers can definitely come atthe specified time</em><em>.</em></p> Samuel Wijaya Susanto Hariyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 33 45 Perancangan Aplikasi Segmentasi Pelanggan Menggunakan K-Means Dengan Model RFM https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2390 <p>Dalam dunia bisnis yang penuh persaingan, pelanggan menjadi aset berharga bagi setiap perusahaan. Keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan tidak hanya ditentukan oleh produk atau layanan yang berkualitas, tetapi juga oleh bagaimana perusahaan dapat memahami dan merespons kebutuhan serta preferensi pelanggan dengan baik. Perusahaan yang mampu menjalin hubungan yang kuat dengan pelanggan akan lebih mampu bertahan dan tumbuh dalam pasar yang kompetitif. Oleh karena itu, segmentasi pelanggan menjadi langkah strategis bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode <em>k-means</em> dalam segmentasi pelanggan dengan model RFM (<em>Recency</em>, <em>Frequency</em> dan <em>Monetary</em>). K-Means merupakan metode dalam machine learning yang digunakan untuk melakukan klastering atau pengelompokan data. Tujuan utama dari K-Means adalah untuk mengelompokkan data menjadi beberapa kelompok atau klaster berdasarkan kesamaan atribut atau fitur tertentu. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan data transaksi penjualan sebanyak 3821, hasil implementasi menghasilkan 3 klaster pelanggan dengan jumlah 32 pelanggan yaitu 4 pelanggan dikategori sangat potensial, 19 pelanggan dikategori pelanggan potensial , 9 pelanggan dikategori tidak potensial. Dengan adanya aplikasi segmentasi pelanggan ini diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menganalisis segmentasi pelanggan, untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran yang lebih tepat sasaran dan efektif. Sehingga dapat menciptakan hubungan yang kuat dengan pelanggan, meningkatkan loyalitas, dan mencapai kesuksesan dalam persaingan bisnis yang ketat</p> Nico Chandra Indah Fenriana Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 46 59 RANCANG BANGUN E-COMMERCE PADA PT XYZ https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2387 <p><strong>Abstrak<br></strong><em>E-commerce</em> merupakan komponen yang sangat di perluhkan dalam era industri digital seperti sekarang ini. Perusahaan besar tanpa <em>e-commerce</em> tentu saja mempengaruhi daya saing penjualan secara online. Seperti yang ada pada penelitian ini PT Kilau Prima Abadi adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang <em>retail</em> dengan produk piring dan gelas tableware premium. Meski telah menggunakan <em>marketplace</em> besar seperti Shoppe dan Tokopedia perlu di bangun <em>e-commerce official</em> yang dapat memberikan kesan berbelanja secara lebih personal. Permasalahan yang ke dua pada perusahaan PT Kilau Prima Abadi adalah seringkali di temui telat merespon konsumen yang di layani oleh SPG dan SPM melalui <em>whatsaap</em> sehingga menimbulkan <em>lost oportunity</em>. Permasalahan ke tiga adalah belum adanya sistem yang bisa mencatat transaksi penjualan yang di layani oleh SPG dan SPM melalui whatsaap, ini membuat B2C Operation Asst kesulitan menggumpulkan data transaksi yang di layani oleh SPG dan SPM melalui whatsaap untuk di evaluasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun <em>e-commerce official</em>, membuat sistem yang mampu merekam data penjualan yang masuk dan memberikan laporan penjualan untuk keperluan <em>B2C Operation Asst</em>. Metode yang di gunakan dalam pembangunan sistem ini dengan metodologi <em>prototyping</em>. Setelah melalui serangkaian proses penelitian maka di peroleh hasil berupa e-commerce berbasis website yang mampu menjawab permasalahan pada PT Kilau Prima Abadi. Penulis sebagai peneliti dalam rangka menyelesaikan tugas akhir menganalisa kebutuhan PT Kilau Prima Abadi untuk mengurai beberapa masalah yang ada. Penulis mengangkat tema yang berjudul “RANCANG BANGUN <em>E-COMMERCE</em> MODEL B2C PADA PT Kilau Prima Abadi”.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci<br></strong>Perancangan, <em>E-commerce</em>, Model B2C, <em>Prototyping</em>, Berbasis Web</p> Dony Arnando Yakub Yakub Ardi Halim Wijaya Wiyono - Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 60 74 PERANCANGAN APLIKASI PRESENSI JEMAAT MENGGUNAKAN FACE RECOGNITION DENGAN TENSORFLOW LITE PADA GEREJA GKPY VTI BERBASIS ANDROID https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2368 <p><em>The presence of congregants in the church plays a crucial role in monitoring the church's development and maintaining accurate attendance records. However, in GKPY VTI church, the current method of collecting attendance data is inefficient, often resulting in lost or damaged data. The absence of a weekly attendance system further compounds the issue. An efficient solution is needed, including the provision of data reports to assist the church's observation team. In an effort to address these challenges, we have designed and implemented an Android-based application utilizing face recognition technology with the Tensorflow method. This research involves planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.The research results demonstrate that this application successfully records congregants' attendance by recognizing their faces. This success facilitates the church's observation team in obtaining attendance information during each weekly worship service more efficiently. For future development, further research can focus on integrating eye detection features into the attendance system and expanding the application's functionality by adding features such as communal prayer, baptism registration, and services for congregants. These enhancements will provide significant added value to the application users and enrich the church life experience at GKPY VTI.</em></p> Chello Imanuel Indah Fenriana Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 75 90 PENGENDALIAN BIAYA KUALITAS DENGAN PERBAIKAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEFINE MEASURE ANALYZE IMPROVE CONTROL PADA PT PAC https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/2398 <p><em>In analyzing how to improve quality costs, it is used with the Define Measure Analyze Improve Control (DMAIC) method. Based on the data obtained during the research during February 2023 at PT. PAC has a problem with the quality cost of the reprocessing of water treatment products. The results of the study show that there is a use of raw materials that are not in accordance with the Bill of Material (BOM). Where this causes a material cost difference of Rp232,093,000,- for one month of production. The fish bone diagram can be known as the factor that causes the difference in the cost of the material is the material.</em></p> Vera Anjelina Prihantoro Syahdu Sutopo Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 91 98 PENGARUH FILTER WARNA TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS ALAT DESALINASI KONVENSIONAL ATAP SATU SISI https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/3238 <p>Air bersih merupakan kebutuhan mendasar bagi kehidupan manusia. Namun ketersediaan air bersih semakin terbatas, terutama di daerah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang dikelilingi air laut. Alat desalinasi konvensional atap satu sisi merupakan teknologi sederhana yang memanfaatkan energi matahari untuk menguapkan air laut dan mengumpulkan kondensatnya sebagai air tawar. Penelitian mengenai pengaruh filter warna pada alat desalinasi konvensional atap satu sisi masih terbatas. Penggunaan filter warna pada alat desalinasi surya telah menunjukan potensi untuk meningkatkan penyerapan panas dan produktivitas air tawar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh filter warna ungu dan merah terhadap produktivitas alat desalinasi konvensional atap satu sisi. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada jam 08.00-16.00 WIB diulangi setiap 30 menit. Filter warna yang digunakan adalah filter warna ungu memiliki panjang gelombang 380–420 nm dan filter warna merah 620-750 nm dengan kemiringan sudut yang digunakan 10<sup>o</sup>. Penelitian ini didapat bahwa rata-rata laju perubahan temperatur per satuan waktu pada sistem dengan filter warna ungu lebih besar 0.04<sup>o</sup>C/min dibandingkan dengan sistem filter warna merah 0.03<sup>o</sup>C/min. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori yang menyatakan bahwa foton dengan panjang gelombang ungu memiliki energi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan foton yang memiliki panjang gelombang warna merah yang mengakibatkan energi kalor yang diserap oleh sistem lebih besar. Peningkatan kalor yang diserap oleh filter warna ungu menghasilkan volume air yang lebih banyak sebesar 12.4 ml, sedangkan filter warna merah menghasilkan volume air yang sebesar 10.7 ml.</p> Ramona dyah safitri Junaidi Akbar Subur Pramono Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 99 105 Analysis and Design of Speed Control for Torsional Motor Drive Systems https://jurnal.buddhidharma.ac.id/index.php/aksel/article/view/3243 <p>This paper presents the analysis and design of speed control for a Torque Motor Drive System. The system presents a torque drive and motor which generally consists of a induction motor and a load connected by a flexible shaft which can be called a Two-Mass Resonance System. To design motor speed controller in this system, a comprehensive and detailed system analysis is required. To realize the design of this control system, it is impossible if the feedback point is taken at the load location, due to the influence of vibration from the flexible shaft. The motor speed control design method used in this paper is to use the Zeroing control design by simulating to see the system output results. From the simulation results, the system output response looks good.</p> Amin Suyitno Dwi Mahardiyan desiana Br Ginting Copyright (c) 2024 Akselerator : Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 5 1 106 116