The Stocks Saving Simulation based on Historical Data Web-based

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    Mesakh Septiadi Simijaya( 1 ) Aditiya Hermawan( 2 )

    (1) Universitas Buddhi Dharma | Indonesia
    (2)  | Indonesia


This study aims to simulate the calculation of saving stocks based on historical data for the past 10 years for the period January 2010 - January 2020, because saving simulations based on historical data are still very rare, so a simulation application for saving stock calculations based on historical data is made that can help customers. investors in simulating the calculation of saving stocks so that it can be used as learning to determine how to save the right way that can produce a good return. This application is created using a waterfall model. From the application made, it is expected to know the good return results of the 10 issuers used in this study, and in making basic applications on user requirements obtained through several respondents through online questionnaires and processed with requirement elicitation techniques. With the application of a stock saving calculation simulation application, it is hoped that it can be a lesson for investors in saving stocks and can also be a lesson for potential investors and can also make it easier for investors to do calculations because the calculation process is computerized.


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